That time is coming like the Noah's Flood did coming.
HUMAN HISTORY (ANNALS for the Ancient History), post Pre-history:
Note: The author found that the Science and the Old Testament of the Bible do not agree each other regarding the Birth of Adam and Biblical History, even though the Human History and the Biblical History have the common points.
Especially the Science and the Historians ignored or deserted the birth of Adam, and or they didn't know when Adam was born. .....the Birth of Adam and the biblical History contributed us greatly in tracking the beginning of Human History because No human ever wrote it for the time before the time of Herodotus (475/425 B.C.).
I assume that the Science and the Historians did not know when Adam was born.
This is an uttermostly important factor essential to know the begining of Human History and it has been missing in the Human History for more than 6,105 year period of times. Can You believe it?
The author found this a greatest mistake for Haman History.
This Author found from the Bible providing most important historical information as stated below.
- 4,000 B.C: Found Vinca Culture (between 4,500 BC and 3,000 B.C. ) to have used the COPPER. Homo Sapiens Sapiens in the BALKAN PENINSULA.
- 4,000/5,000? B.C: Yang Shao Culture in China existed until 2,000 B.C.,cir-ca (Chinse History).
- 4,000 B.C: Semitic people from Syrian and Arabian Deserts gradually infiltrated into the above Early Sumer State set by the Ubaidian people......this history is very highly unacceptable, because Semites emerged after the Noah's Flood taken place 2,449 B.C. Or they maybe Adamic race.
- 3,898 B.C: Bak-Dal NARA, first Dongyi State ( Korean race is the major tribe of Mongolian tribes in this State), settled in Mancuria, China ( By Oriental History ).
- It was known that Korean race collaborated with Chinse counter-part to invent the CHINESE CHARACTERS.
- 3,900 B.C.: Some people settled in URUK in the Mesopotamia region.
- 3,800 B.C: About 10,000 people lived in Ur, Uruk, and Umma, in Sumer region. 3,049 BC : NOAH WAS BORN.
- 3,000 B.C: First Armenian State was set on the Armenian plateau around the Van Lake.
- 3,000 B.C to 1,000 BC, cir-ca: Minoan culture emerged on the Crete, A Greek island, (maybe assumed either Homo Sapiens Sapiens or Adamic race.
- 3,000 B.C: Old Kingdom of Egypt was set. The History of Egypt covering an Old-Kingdom era did not mention about Noah's Flood (nor European History).
- It maybe attributed by no written language available that time, and no one wrote the history of EGYPT before the time of Homer and Herodotus.
- 3,000 B.C : American Indians built eleven mounds in Louisiana, USA.
- 2,750 B.C: Gilgamesh reigned in Sumer Kingdom.
- 2,680 to 2,565 B.C: The Pyramids were built in Egypt. .
- 2,750 B.C.: People of Akkadians( Adamic Race ) moved into North of Sumer in the Mesopotamia region.
- 2,670 B.C : The King of Ur defeated the last Ruler of Etna Dynasty in Sumer 2,525 to 2,500 BCE, cir-ca: First Sumerian Ruler reigned as the King of Etana Dynasty at Kish. Also an unknown race settled N/E of Mesopotamia around 3,250 B.C.
- 2,600 B.C/2,350 B.C., cir-ca: The King Sargon (First time, a Semitic people or Semites, Akkadians, who are the heirs of Adam, son of Noah, Shem, appeared after the Flood ), and subdued the SUMER. He set the capital at "Agade" in far north of Mesopotamia. This Kingdom was known as "AKKADIAN-SUMER State". Ur was most important city for him. This city was most powerful city in the World. This is most important historic event taken place (by Semitic race).
- 2,500 B.C: Indo Europeans settled in North of Black Sea (Adamic Race).
- 2,500 B.C: Kush Kingdom found in North Ethiopia along Nile River by archaeology.
- 2,500 B.C: Indus Valley Civilization set along Indus River (species unknown).
(except Noah's families)
- 2,449 B.C: NOAH'S FLOOD TAKEN PLACE. All of the people in the Mesopotamian region were wiped out by the flood. But the history of Egypt did not mention about this flood which is under the issue and debate. Only Armenian people were survived according to the history of Armenia since they lived in high plateau, but its authenticity is in the question because the Noah's Ark landed on the Mt. Ararat (Eastern Turkey) in 2448 B.C. Maybe some were survived.
- Now, we know that some or few Armenians, Adamic race (Caucasian) of Noah family, Mongoloids, Negroids, American Indians (Mongoloid ), Chinese and Korean (mongoloids) , and Indian people in the Indian continent) were somehow not extinct by this flood. Also the Europe History does not mention about the NOAH' Flood( attributed by written language not available that time ). Then what happened to the fate and the destiny of European Homo-Sapiens Sapiens by this Flood after 2,449 B.C.? Or were they wiped out from the surface of the Earth?. We are unable to trace back and don't know their fate except African and Asian Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and Noah's Descendants.
- This Author, however, deduces that Homo Sapiens Sapiens in Europe and Middle East became extinct and were replaced by Adamic Race of Noah's family of his three sons after 2,448 B.C.
- 2,375 B.C.: Most Sumerian land was united by King, Lugalzaggisi of Umma.
- 2,333 B.C.: an Old Chosun (Korea) Kingdom was established by a founder,Tangun, in Korean Peninsula (by Oriental history).
- 2,300 B.C?: UR Empire was established in UR area, in Mesopotamia.
- 2,157 B.C. : Abraham was born in UR, Middle East.
- 2,000 B.C: Hittite Kingdom established in Turkey region and Anatolia (in Asian Minor and lasted until 1,200 B.C.). Origin of race is the heir of Canaan, son of Ham, 2nd son of Noah.
- 2,000 B.C: Mycenaeans of Crete Island (maybe Indo-European tribe) entered into mainland of Greece (Adamic Race).
- 1,800 B.C, cir-ca: Hammurabi of Amoritte tribe, sons of Ham, son of Noah, defeated the SUMER-AKKADIAN Kingdom to end the Sumer State and set the BABYLONIAN KINGDOM.
- 1,600 B.C : Hittite Kingdom (Adamic race) destroyed Babylon Kingdom.
- 1,450 B.C: Myceneans destroyed the Minoan culture (Crete Kingdom) in Crete Island....Adamic race.
- 1,437 B.C: Exodus begun from Egypt by 12 tribes of Israeli people.
- 1,000/500 B.C. cir- ca: Moses's Pentateuch of the Old Testament was written.
- 1,200 B.C. or 3,200 YA: A MODERN EUROPEAN FOSSIL found in N/W of China (by DNA Research). The Author assumes it to be of Noah's race.
- 1,000 B.C. : The King David reigned on Israel Kingdom ( Judaic Kingdom ) in Canaan.
- 586 B.C.: Judaic Kingdom ended ( by Babylonian Empire) in Canaan, Middle East.
- 563/483 B.C. cir-ca: Buddah was born in Lumbini, Nepal, Asia.
- He was known to have said that the Law of Cause and Effect will affect all humans destiny, and even GOD will descend down to lower ranking status if GOD commit the evil. But he did not say who created the law of the Cause and Effect.
- 551?-479? B/C. cir-ca: Confucius, a Philosopher in China, wrote the Annals of the LU State existed in between 722 to 481 B.C. The title of Annals is the "Spring/Autumn" (Chunchiu) meaning as History. He also edited and refined pre-existed Book of "Change or Transition "(Joo Yuk),a book of divination, assumed to have been written in 1000 B.C.
470/399 B.C, Cir-ca : Socrates, a Great Philosopher, was born in Athens, Greece. He said that the Ignorance produces the evil and therefore, he said, Human needs the education.
457 B.C.: 2,300 Year Period started Counting down ( post Rebuilding Order for the Holy Jerusalem was issued ).Ref: The Book of DANIEL- Ch: 8: 14 and Ch: 7: 24-27
: The Grace Period given to Israeli People for 490 years by GOD and lifted when ( ) St. Stephen I was martyred by Israelis in 34 A.D.
( Daniel Ch:9: 24 ).
- 425 B.C: Herodotus, First human historian, the father of History, wrote the five books of History covering entire Middle East and a part of Europe to which twenty years he worked for.
( ) 34 A.D.: St. Stephen I, the Successor of St. Peter, first Pope of Roman Catholic martyred, was martyred by Israelis ( The Grace to Israeli People lifted by GOD due to Stephen persecuted ).
- 300 A.D.: YAYOI PEOPLE FROM KOREA migrated to Japan (by Y Chromosome DNA). The both of Yayoi and Jomon people found to be fathers to modern Japanese people.
314 A.D.: St. Sylvester I was elected as a first Pope of Catholic Church.
468 A.D.: St. Leo I, Pope, reigned as the Emperor of Eastern Roman Empire( first Pope became the Emperor ).
800 A.D.: Holy Roman Empire started (The Emperor Charlemagne was crowned by St. Leo III, Pope ).
1,453 A.D.: Byzantine Empire ended.
1618/1648 A.D.: Thirty Year Wars took place in entire Europe between the Catholic and Protestant.
1,648 A.D.: The Lutheranism was officially recognized in Europe.
1,776 A.D.: American Revolution started in North America for to have the Independence from British Empire.
1,788 A.D.: New U. S. Government started.
1,789 A.D.: French Revolution follow-suited the American Revolution in France.
1,806 A.D.:
1,844 A.D.: The 2,300 year counting down was ended, and Holy place became sacred for JESUS Re-advent over the Earth( The Book of Daniel-Ch: 8:14). The Lord, Jesus, will reign over the Earth anytime after 2,000 A.D. after 7th Seal being opened to start the Seven Bowls of seven plagues over the Evil People( we are now under the time of 7th Seal of Seven Plagues).
1945(A.D.) AUGUST: U.S.A. emerged as the Supreme Power in the world as the biblical prophecy.
Post-2,000 A.D. to XXXX(?): The Human Governments will end after the Seven Bowls of seven plagues of GOD. When? Time is like the coming of Noah"s Flood.
After re-advent of Lord, " Jesus", the end
of the time will come.
Frank K. Park
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