Military Draft Scandal
Military Draft
Kim Dae
Dae Jung
A Big
Swindler, Kim Dae Up, 6 time-ex Con., made a collusion in order
to down a most powerful Presidential Candidate of the opposite
party, Grand National Party(G.N.P.), Lee Hoi Chang, with the Kim
Dae Jung Regime and his Ruling Party by kickback.
- In
September 1997 he was imprisoned and released in July
- April 2,01,again
he was indicted and was imprisoned
- During
the period of July 1998/February 2,001 while he was in
the Jail ,he worked as a Investigator of the Draft
- Sometime
March of 2,001, he was released from the Jail.
- He said
he taped this Scandal during March/April 1999.
To do
such a gimmick,during March/April of 1999, this Regime exempted
the his fraud charge and hired him as an Investigator of the
Joint Military-Prosecution Team.
In the Jail
time, he did exit out and in to from the Jail for times
to find out the illegal Draft Exemption for a Son of Lee Hoi
Chang and recorded the Tape including his conversation with a key
Suspect, Kim Do Sool.
Kim Do Sool is
known to have received some bribes for the illegal Draft
exemptions he arranged for (including a Wife to Lee Hoi
Chang around 1995/1996 who,Kim Dae Up claimed,bribed him about 20
million Won). Kim Do Sool is currently hiding in United States.
Kim Dae Up has
been claiming that Kim Do Sool received 18/20 Million Won from
Lee Hoi Chang's Wife.
This motivated
the Ruling Party and some Advisors to Kim Dae Jung, a Former
Defense Minister, Chun Young Taek) and the Prosecution
Office,commencing its investigation.
To make a
issue for the draft exemption to Lee Hoi Chang's son( Lee Jung
Yun),the ruling party and the key Advisors to Kim Dae Jung in the
Blue House collaborated with Kim Dae Up through the
recommendations of Col.Ko Suk and Lt.Col.Lee Myung Hyun(Chief
of the Military Draft-Exemption Investigation Team).
Both Col. Koh
and Lt.Col. Lee recommended to the Defense Minister(Chun Young
Taek) and Advisors to Kim Dae Jung in the Blue House to exempt
Kim Dae Up's Fraud Charges and to hire him as a Investigator in
the Joint Military-Prosecution InvestigationTeam.
Kim Dae Up presented
the duplicated Tape to the No. 1 Special Prosecutor who commenced
the investigation by order to his superiors including a Chief of
Ruling Party, Han Ha Kap, in early August of this year
This tape
turned out to be not real(the Prosecution Office was unable to
analyze it) and the voice of Kim Do Sool was not audible and
noisy. Then he resubmitted to the Prosecutor the
Original Tape. This also turned out to have 10 places in the tape
to have been manipulated and still the voice of Kim Do Sool was
inaudible and noisy as the first tape(copy) presented
earlier, according to a Professor analyzed this Tape reported by
the Maeil News Paper in Seoul. The G.N.P., the
Opposite Party, mentioned in this week in the Judiciary Committee
in the National Assembly hearing from the Prosecution regarding
the investigation of this case that the Voice of Kim Do Sool
was never had been taped by Kim Dae Up and his recording was practically
impossible. As of this date, August 24, 2,002, The
Prosecutor seems unable to find the key facts of this case and he
said he would finish analysis of this tape by this week-end( (9.22/28.02)
. Already
Kim Dae Up was known to have received the sum of 5 billion won/10
billion Won from Kim Dae Jung's Regime reported by G.N. P., the
opposite party. Nevertheless up-to-date, this Regime never
disclosed the sum of money, Source, and the Money Dealer
with Kim Dae up.
No matter what
result comes out from the Prosecution, already Opposite Party,G.N.P.,
declared that this Investigation is politically motivated and the
political Prosecutors,not by the fair Prosecutors, are
investigating this case, and it will annul the result of this
saying, It means and it turned out that the Swindler, Kim Dae Up,
again swindled with the Regime of Kim Dae Jung,although not yet
final turn-out comes out on this pending case.
This Regime
spent huge resources on this case and to Kim Dae Up and so
far got nothing.
What the
laughing stocks they are !!!
( Frank K. Park )